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Momentan in Planung – mehr Informationen ab 1. August 2022 hier!

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In Le Locle: Places, Paths & Stories. Restoration! vom 13.-15. Mai 2022 im Guesthouse und anderen Örtlichkeiten in Le Locle

From 28-30 January 2022 in Lins/SP, Brazil and online worldwide: hier sind die Arbeiten zu finden

Movements that take place in one place reverberate and alter other places, paths and stories, and by sharing them new scenarios and potentialities are taking shape. Waves will depart from the countryside of São Paulo to meet stories, music, experiences, tales of origins and travels all over the planet.

Artists will meet between 28th and 30th January in Lins, and in the preparations for this meeting messages of connection have travelled and reached artists in other parts of the world, with another epicentre in Switzerland. With no regard to country borders, we propose the creation of a chain-reaction-river connecting places, paths and stories across the globe. The idea is to create a flow of stimulus-response: a poem, a video, a painting, a hai ku, a whisper, an audio… in the format that each one wishes to tell, from the story of others, their own story and pass it on, leaving it open to flow and reverberate in the others.

>> On-site information for Lins/SP, Brazil (in Portuguese)

>> Virtual edition: invitation to artists in English

>> Edição virtual: convite aos artistas em portugues